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Students struggling with all kinds of algebra problems find out that our software is a life-saver.
On-line Guidebook / Manual for TI-83 Plus On-line Guidebook / Manual for TI-84 Plus On-line Guidebook / Manual for TI-86 On-line. My son came to me that day, and he asked to buy him a program called "Algebra Professor", he told me that all of his friends in the school use it, I thought that it's like the other programs, expensive and useless tool, but it turned out to be quite a surprise. Click to open: also has calculators for rent and is a good alternative This company allows you to use a real Texas Instruments graphing calculator free for one month. I would recommend this software to anyone! Robert Davis, CA Once my son was able to return to school, he had a better understanding of math then before he left. His math teacher recommended Algebra Professor, which literally took him through each problem step by step. I feared that he would fall behind in his classes. My son was in a major car wreak and was homebound for several months. If it was not for Algebra Professor, I fear that I may have failed my Algebra class. FINITE MATHEMATICS PENCIL/PAPER HOMEWORK LISTĪlgebra Professor was much less expensive then traditional Algebra tutors, and allowed me to work at my pace with each problem.Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions.Departmental Course Syllabus for Intermediate Algebra.Multiplying and Dividing With Square Roots.Effective Capacitance of Inductive Interconnects.GCD,LCM,Division and Euclidean Algorithms.Syllabus for Intermediate College Algebra There’s quite a few great apps out there that can be used as a graphing calculator, but getting used to different user interfaces is always a pain when switching between calculators.